
Equality and diversity statement

Manuel Bravo Project aims to promote equality and diversity as an employer and seeks to ensure that equality and diversity principles underpin all areas of the organisation’s work and service provision.

Manuel Bravo Project recognises that many people and groups suffer discrimination and face serious barriers when trying to fulfil their true potential. It also recognises that not all forms of unreasonable and unfair discrimination are the subject of legislation. It is the aim of this organisation to take positive steps to redress discrimination, to improve equality of opportunity and to combat any unreasonable or unfair treatment which places people at a disadvantage for any reasons not directly related to their ability to do a job for this organisation or to their eligibility to receive services from us.

In most cases it is unlawful to discriminate against people because of their gender or gender assignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, colour, nationality, ethnic and national origin, sexuality/sexual orientation, religion or belief, age, or because they are disabled, married or in a civil partnership, a member of a trade union, work part time or on a fixed-term contract. It is also unlawful to discriminate against people either because they are perceived to have a certain characteristic or because they associate with someone who has a certain characteristic.

Statement Of Solidarity

In light of the traumatic impact of the killing of George Floyd, and the renewed focus this has brought to the Black Lives Matter movement, Manuel Bravo Project is committed to taking further action to tackle racial injustice.

We oppose racism and discrimination in all its formswe understand that words are not enough, and we need to take action to challenge structural racism.

Manuel Bravo Project was founded upon principles of justice and equality. We remain committed to challenging the ‘Hostile Environment’ and supporting people seeking refuge and asylum. We also want to address the underrepresentation of ethnic minorities (see definition below) within the charity sector’s workforce, leadership and beneficiaries. We aim to do this by better reflecting the ethnicity of the people and places we serve at Manuel Bravo and across all levels of our charity from trustees to volunteers.

This will support our aim to build a more diverse group of talented people who can work together towards our shared goal. We also want to ensure that people with lived experience of the immigration system can help shape our work.

We are currently working on our Anti-Racist action plan and will publish this as soon as possible. We will commit to continuously review our progress and organizational change against this.

*We recognise that using terminology such as ‘ethnic minorities’ and ‘ethnicity’ are politicised concepts which can invisibilise people and reinforce systems of inequality and racism. This is not withstanding the intersectionality between ethnicity, other protected characteristic groups, class and socio-economic status. We are committed to ensuring that we use terminology with care and sensitivity, and are reviewing our use of terminology in our work.  Manuel Bravo will also be publishing an updated Diversity and Equality Policy in line with our Anti-Racist action plan.