
Get involved

Getting involved with Manuel Bravo Project means you’re helping to support refugees and asylum seekers. Whether you work for us, volunteer or fundraise you’re making a difference.

Job vacancies

Want to work for Manuel Bravo Project? We need passionate people to help with our life-changing work.

We are currently recruiting the following positions:

Please click on the link above for further information on how to apply for the role you are interested in.


Our volunteers help change the lives of refugees and asylum seekers. We welcome volunteers from all backgrounds. If you have experienced the asylum system we’d love to hear from you.

Our volunteers help with all sorts of roles and are:

  • Interpreters
  • Casework volunteers
  • Support and empower volunteers
  • Triage volunteers
  • Outreach assistant volunteers
  • Communications volunteers
  • Office and admin volunteers

We also work with law firms and barristers chambers who support our work through pro bono legal work and fundraising. If you are from a firm or chambers and want to find out more about partnering with us, please email: [email protected]

We’ll update this page with volunteer roles as they are available.

Current volunteer vacancies

We are recruiting for several volunteer roles at the moment, for the full role description please click on the title of the role you are interested in.

If you are interested in any of these roles or want more information, please email us at: [email protected]

Support and Empower Volunteers – Deadline for applications: 13th May 2024

This role involves giving additional support to our most vulnerable clients through their legal process. Time commitment can vary from a brief phone call once a week to intensive support at crucial times (such as around an appeal hearing). The role is focused on emotional and practical support and keeping the client informed and helping them understand the process.

Communications Volunteers – Deadline for applications: 13th May 2024

We need communications volunteers to keep our website up to date, our social media active and regularly updated, and to develop newsletters for volunteers and supporters. The time commitment is flexible but social media needs weekly input. The role can be carried out remotely although it’s useful if you can visit the office from time to time.

Interpreter Volunteers – Deadline for applications: Ongoing

We need volunteer interpreters to help clients access our services. You’ll need to be able to speak English well, and the languages of any of our clients. We accept applications from all languages, but in particular, we are looking for:

  • Amharic
  • Tigrinya
  • Oromo
  • Kurdish-Sorani
  • Dari
  • Pashtu.

As a volunteer interpreter for Manuel Bravo Project, you’ll also help Positive Action For Refugees and Asylum Seekers’ (PAFRAS) clients.

We work with PAFRAS to recruit and train volunteer interpreters for both organisations. By applying as an interpreter to either organisation you are applying to join both.

Learn about PAFRAS.

Fundraise for us

The more people who fundraise for us, the better. We’re so grateful for any donations, big or small. It all makes a difference.

Anyone can fundraise for us. You could get friends to sponsor you to run a marathon. Or have a tasty bake sale at work. How about trading birthday gifts for donations?

Whatever you decide, we’d love to hear about it. Get in touch with our team and we’ll let you know how you can send us your fundraising money.

Contact our team by emailing [email protected]